Do you want to individualize your weight lifting program without spending hours making calculations? Our individualized Weight Lifting Charts are your answer to creating individual player based workouts within your teams weight lifting program. Our Charts will calculate percentages AUTOMATICALLY for you with very little data entry.
Are you an Excel Novice? No problem. Our charts are protected so that you can only change your players information and percentages. Even the most inexperience Excel user couldn't mess these sheets up.
Finally, get your hours back so you can focus improving your program in other ways.
See the video below for a quick view of the Charts in action.
Click the button below to get:
- Individualized Editable Charts for 50 Players
- Individualized Editable Charts for 100 Players
- Bar Load Chart (No 35 Pound plates)
- Bar Load Chart (Includes 35 Pound Plates)
- Tutorial PDF that will show you how to easily use the workbook
This product was made by a busy coach, for busy coaches to save time and maximize your player's results.
For more information, click THIS LINK for a more detailed information. You can also subscribe on the Form below and receive the Tutorial PDF.
Or if you are ready now, click the link below to purchase.
I purchased the Power spread offensive play book and have used the concepts for our team this year.
Season is off to a good start, but I had a question about what youbuse on game day as a play calling sheet. I’ve yet to find one I like.
Glad to hear your season is going well. The play call sheet I use is a spreadsheet that directly links to our wristband, practice schedules, scripts, depth charts, etc. Basically I type in the play number from the wristband and the color and play name pull up. We fill in the numbers weekly based upon the game plan. The counter play up in the top left would be what the whole plan would look like when filled in. The actual call sheet for game day looks like this and goes through each situation.
Call Sheet